Singapore Transit Tour | Terms & Conditions



  1. The Singapore Transit Tour is a guided tour for eligible transit passengers of Changi Airport (each a Tour and collectively referred to as the Tours). 


  1. The Tours are organised by Changi Travel Services Pte Ltd under the brand of XploreSG (referred to as “Organiser”). 


  1. In these Terms and Conditions, Participant shall refer to an eligible transit passenger (defined under Clause 7 below) who has the intention to join the Tours or has made a purchase successfully to do so. It shall also refer to any other participants that are under the same booking. 


  1. By participating in and/or making a booking for the Tours, the Participant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions) and the Organiser’s Privacy Policy (CTS Privacy Policy is made available here), which together constitute a binding agreement between the Participant and the Organiser, governing their participation in the Tours. In the event the Participant is booking on behalf of other participants (including minors), they warrant and represent they have the authority to do so and have communicated all Terms and Conditions to these individuals prior to registration. 


  1. Anyone under the age of 18 on the date of booking is considered to be a minor. Minors must always be accompanied by an adult. Each adult on a booking with a minor or minor(s) is jointly and severally responsible for the behaviour, wellbeing, supervision and monitoring of such minor(s) on their booking, including all assumptions of risks and limitations of liability. 


  1. In these Terms and Conditions, references to we, us and our mean the Organiser, their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their directors, officers, agents and employees or independent contractors as the context requires. 


Booking Regulations 

  1. PlayPass (PlayPass) is the dedicated system for Participants to make Tour bookings. 


  1. In order for a Participant to be eligible for the Tour, they will need to meet the following requirements: 

  1. a. Transit in Singapore with a transit duration of between 7 hours to 24 hours; and 

  1. b. Possess all requisite immigration documentation including visas for entrance into Singapore and onto their connecting destination. 


  1. The Participant shall provide their true, correct, and complete set of personal and flight details when registering for the Tour.  


  1. The Organisers are not obliged to accommodate a Participant if they are unable to participate in the Tour due to flight delays or cancellations. The Organisers, at their sole discretion, reserves the right to deny you permission to participate in the Tour or any aspect of the Tour where the Organisers determine that your physical or mental condition renders you unfit or you represent a danger (whether actual or potential) to yourself or others 


  1. Participants are tocheck-in at the Tour booth at least 60 minutes prior to the allocated start time of the Tour (Stipulated Time). Failing which, a Participant may be rejected from proceeding with the tour. The Organiser will not be liable for any damages, losses, or additional expenses incurred due to a participant's failure to check-in at least 60 minutes prior to the allocated start time of the Tour. No refunds or partial refunds will be issued in such cases. 


  1. If the Participant(s): 

a. fail to arrive and check-in by the Stipulated Time or start time, at the Tour service counters; and/or 
b. fail to comply with the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions; and/or 
c. fail to adhere to any requirements set by the Organiser; 

the Organisers reserve the right to forfeit the Participant's booking and are not obliged to provide any reason for its determination nor will entertain correspondence on the subject from any parties. 

Tour Regulations 

  1. There are a total of (3) Tours each day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (Frequency of Tours). The Organiser may at any time and in their sole and absolute discretion amend the Frequency of Tours. A Participant's eligibility criteria and the tour schedule are published on Tours official webpage. The Organiser reserve the right to amend all related Tour Regulations without prior written notice. All tours can be purchased through PlayPass or by making a booking at the Tours dedicated booths (which will be subject to Tour availability). 


  1. By participating in the Tours, the Participant agrees to abide by the instructions given by the staff leading the Tour, and the tourist guide(s) and bus driver (applicable for Bus Tours) at all times during the Tour. Please read through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) published on the Tours official webpage thoroughly before signing up for the Tour. 


  1. The Participant declares (including on behalf of other Participants in the same booking) that they are in good physical health and do not have any pre-existing conditions (e.g. heart, neck, leg or back problems) that may be detrimental to their well-being by participating in the Tours, nor are they or will be under the influence of any alcohol or medication that may influence their ability to move or be mobile. The Participant agrees that certain Tours have accessibility/mobility requirements, and in the event the Participant is unable to meet these requirements, the Organiser may decline their participation in the Tours due to safety reasons. Participants also acknowledge that applicable Tours have visits to food & beverage establishments that may not be suitable for Participants with food allergies, and participating in such Tours will be at their own risk and Participants are responsible for assessing whether such Tours and food and/or beverage is suitable for them based on their own unique circumstances, health and limitations. Organiser does not provide medical or allergen advice.  


  1. The Organiser may modify the itinerary where reasonably required in its sole discretion and endeavour to replace the product / service with an alternative equivalent product and/or service or an alternative product and/or service of equivalent value. If the Organiser makes a change which materially affects the character of the Tour in its entirety, the Organiser will provide notice to you as soon as reasonably possible and you may choose to accept the change or cancel the Tour and receive a refund. 


  1. The Organiser reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the Tours in their sole and absolute discretion without providing prior notice to the Participants. In the event of such cancellation of the Organiser, refunds will be made.  


  1. Where it is concerned, issues and decisions related to the Singapore immigration are in the sole and absolute discretion and purview of the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). The Organiser have no influence over those matters. 



  1. Participation in the Tours requires the processing of each Participant's personal data, including but not limited to full name, date of birth, nationality, personal mobile number, email address and flight details for the purposes of conducting the Tours, and for improving the services and experiences provided to the Participant. Where applicable, by participating in the Tour, each Participant consents to the Organiser's collection, use, disclosure, storage and other processing of any personal data provided in accordance with all applicable privacy laws and the Organiser's Privacy Policy. 


  1. By submitting the required details, the Participant(s) declares that all information submitted is complete and accurate as per the records on their identification document(s). Where the Participant is disclosing the data on behalf of another, that he or she has the authority and requisite consent to disclose to the Organiser including the personal data which is provided to the Organiserpursuant to these Terms and Conditions. The Organiser reserve the right to reject bookings for the Tour that are incomplete, inaccurate or for any other reason(s) which the Organiser are not at liberty to disclose. 


  1. Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 21 below, the Organiser shall not be liable for any of the Participant's losses or expenses due to the failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions. 


  1. The Organiser reserve the right to refuse or terminate the participation of any Participant in the Tour for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to unsafe or unruly behaviour that may result in harm or damage to the other Participants or any other persons and/or property.No refunds or partial refunds will be issued in such cases. 


  1. To the fullest extent permitted by law: (i) the Organiser, its subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their directors, officers, agents and employees shall not be responsible for any damage or personal injury to the Participants in this Tour, and/or loss or damage to any property sustained as a result of their participation in the Tour, including without limitation all direct loss, indirect or consequential loss, cost and expense, or loss of profits; and (ii) by participating in and allowing their child/ward to participate in this Tour, you agree to indemnify the Organiser, its subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their directors, officers, agents and employees against all claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses which may be made against or suffered by the Organiser, its subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as their directors, officers, agents and employees, in respect of any injury (including fatal injury), loss or damage to property arising out of or in connection with any Participant's participation in the Tour. 


  1. By participating in the Tours, the Participants hereby grant the Organiser the irrevocable right and permission to photograph and/or record them (or any minors under their care) in connection with the Tour and to use the photograph and/or recording for promotional purposes. The Participant waives any right to inspect or approve the use of the photograph and/or recording and acknowledge and agree that the rights granted to the Organiser are without any compensation of any kind. 


  1. The Organiser decision on all matters relating to the Tour is final, conclusive and binding. 


  1. The Organiser reserves the right to vary these Terms and Conditions herein at any time at its absolute discretion without notice to the Participant and the Participant agrees to be bound by such amended Terms and Conditions. 


  1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore. The Participant hereby agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts for any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or the Participant's or their child's/ward's participation in the Tour. 


  1. The Participant(s) shall at all times observe, comply and act in accordance with all applicable laws.